Guaranteed You Find a Great VA in
2 Hours or Less...or You Pay Nothing!

No more guessing or hoping you're doing things right...

Follow my simple 7 steps and you'll easily find a talented, loyal, hard working VA...
...Or I'll give you your money back (no questions asked)!

My One VA Away recruiting training...

  • Is quick and effective. You don't have time to waste.
  • ​Has proven successful over and over and over.
  • Took me more than 15 years to hone and perfect.
  • ​Has only been shared in detail with a select few in my inner coaching circle.
  • ​Will guarantee you a fantastic VA hire with very few exceptions.
  • ​Will give you the confidence you need to pull the outsourcing trigger, make your first Filipino VA hire and help you get your life back.

Get One VA Away For Life

(no monthly fees!!!)

Hannah Hageman, CEO
John Jonas, you’ve created a CEO out of me. 

I can’t believe how much my mindset has changed and I’ve had my OFS for only 3 days. 

I am up at 8pm trying to figure out what I can have them do before I go to bed so my business can be built literally while I sleep. And it’s FUN! 

The two women I hired are as amazing as you promised, so willing to learn, quick to pick up new ideas, and already so loyal! 

I can’t believe how much we’ve gotten done in just 3 days! Big things are coming! 

Thank you for the education you offer, I took all your advice and I’m so thankful for it. I appreciate your transparency and your willingness to invest in me as an employer and in the amazing Filipinos I hired. 

You have taught me so much about them and I am just baffled at how quickly things are moving now that I’m thinking like a CEO and I have salaried, competent and willing people on my team. It’s just incredible.

Note from Author and Creator, John Jonas:

Don’t Get Duped by the 

Common Misconception...

Don’t Get Duped by the 

Common Misconception...

There’s a widespread myth that you have to hire and fire a handful of VAs before finding “the right one.”
Your time is too valuable for that.

I’m telling you right now: you don’t have to kiss a bunch of frogs. You just have to know how to hire the right one the first time. I can show you how to do that with my 7-Steps One VA Away Challenge…

Take the Challenge and Watch Your Hiring Success Rate Shoot through the Roof.

If you’re ready to grow your business and freedom exponentially, it’s time to hire a Filipino virtual assistant (VA). But you need to do it the right way -- with me -- John Jonas.

I’ve figured it out, and I’m going to walk you through it.

I’ve figured it out, and I’m going to walk you through it.

By hiring the right Filipino VAs, I’ve created an outsourcing empire that allows me to spend most of my time with my wife and 5 kids - traveling, golfing, cycling and living my ideal life.
You can create and live your ideal life too - and it starts with hiring your first Filipino VA using all of my hard-won tips and tricks.
I’ve created a 7-Steps “One VA Away” Challenge that will have you ready to hire the perfect-fit, qualified and affordable Filipino VA by the end of this week.
Pay once and forever have access
“I listened to all your free videos on YouTube and then figured, “if the free content is this good, the One VA Away online course must be worth it.” It was. 

The course covers exactly what an employer should know at each step. The course also has some great bonus materials like the list of interview questions.

My advice to employers: don’t waste your time trying to gather all the free content online. Your time is worth more than the $50 price to get the course, which gives you exactly what you need to for each step in hiring a great worker.” — Aaron Hall, Attorney
I'm sure you've heard this a lot of times by now but I did everything you've told me to do and guess worked! I found my Filipino worker and he is wonderful! The job gets done and I don't have to worry about it. I honestly don't know if he works the full 8 hours a day and I don't care. The results show and he has helped us write more business. — Tony Freeman

What does One VA Away 
mean for you?

Maybe you’re someone who…
  • Feels sapped of creative energy by the day-to-day grind and you just need a break.
  • Has fresh ideas on how to grow your business, but no time to implement those ideas.
  • ​Has a growing business and you’re ready to hire help, but you don’t have the funds to source local workers.
  • Or maybe you just want more time to enjoy life outside of owning and running a business.
Completing my One VA Away Challenge means you can have the time, creative energy and resources to conquer all of the above. Take the challenge and watch the incredible results roll out.


Discover my stupid mistakes AND my radical successes. This challenge will drain all fear and hesitation you may have related to hiring a Filipino VA.
This challenge will guide you to the RIGHT VA FOR YOU.

Is the One VA Away Challenge for You?

Take a minute to ask yourself the following… (Check all the boxes that apply to you)
  • Do you have big plans for your business, but you don’t know where to start?
  • Do you get frustrated by the time constraints and menial tasks that make you a slave to your business?
  • Are you curious to know how outsourcing could help expand your business?
  • Are you ready to hire virtual help, but not sure where to find great workers?
  • Do you need help in your business, but can’t afford local wages?
  • Are you less than confident in your recruiting skills?
  • Do you wish you had more time to do the things that you love?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above, you are ready for the 7-Steps One VA Away Challenge.
Pay once and forever have access

How Did I Create the

7-Steps One VA Away Challenge?

This is the BEST recruiting training I’ve ever done. 

This challenge is driven by the mantra, hire once and hire well.” 

The directives are based on my experience of hiring tons of FIlipino workers to work in my personal business (over the past decade and a half) AND the feedback/input of thousands of outsourcing business owners I’ve coached. 

I’m handing you all of the recruiting tools that come from hours and hours of successful recruiting. 

And I’ve packaged all of the information into easy-to-follow videos.

In seven brief sessions, you’ll discover everything I’ve uncovered about hiring Filipino VAs in detail. In fact, you’ll master the very process I use to this day to hire my incredibly talented and competent VAs.  

This process includes the hiring strategies that work without fail, the red flags to watch for while hiring, the recruiting approaches you should avoid at all costs and so much more. This challenge is the Holy Grail of hiring Filipino workers, and you can uncover all of it and hire a VA for yourself in seven short days.

One VA Away Challenge Goal:

My goal for YOU as you complete this challenge is to provide you with both the confidence and tools to hire a perfect-fit Filipino VA who meets YOUR needs, and help you both hit the ground running. And I want you to be successful on your first try.
Read on to begin the challenge and take your life back, starting now.

So, WHAT is it and 
HOW does it work?

In this 7-Steps Challenge, I won’t just tell you about my experiences. I won’t hand you a trivial “how to list” and wish you “good luck.”
In seven sweet and to-the-point videos, I’m going to guide you through the intricate process of actually hiring a VA, and I’ll teach you how to do it in the very personal context of your own business.

Just buy the 7-Steps Challenge at today’s one-time, INCREDIBLE price, and watch one video a day for the next week (or on your own timeline).

If you follow the steps I give in these videos and complete each daily assignment, you’ll be ready to hire the perfect-fit employee by the end of the week!

How Did I Create the

7-Steps One VA Away Challenge?


(Valued at $97)
  • How to build an outsourcing business structure that works FOR you instead of one that DEPENDS on you
  • The BEST 4 things to outsource and how to identify them in your business
  • Why you don’t have to hire/fire multiple times to find the perfect-fit VA
  • What’s WRONG with the traditional approach to hiring a VA (And how to do it the right way)
  • Finally answer this question: “Should you outsource things you hate OR things you’re really good at?”
  • The MOST important skills to look for when evaluating candidates
  • Why you need to begin by hiring ONE VA to do ONE task, and how to expand from there


(Valued at $97)
  • Discover the largest website for finding Filipino virtual workers, with over 500,000 Filipino resumes
  • Why you shouldn’t try to find ‘The one’ and what you should do instead.
  • A quick and simple outreach template you can use to contact potential VAs
  • Find out the best starting salary that will attract talented VAs
  • What to put into your job post that will help you quickly spot the rockstar VAs
  • What you shouldn’t do when it comes to dealing with potential Filipino VAs
(Valued at $97)


(Valued at $97)
  • Why I’m getting the most success from interviewing candidates
  • My winning interview process
  • The question set I use to gauge good VA candidates
  • What you shouldn’t do so you don’t scare away talented VAs 
  • What you should look for from a VA candidate’s responses


(Valued at $97)
  • What you should look at during interviews
  • The type of questions to ask for specific VA specializations you’re looking for
  • The one VA quality you should pay close attention to
  • Red flags you should know when it comes to evaluating a VA candidate’s response and their profiles
(Valued at $97)


(Valued at $97)
  • When to start narrowing down your VA candidates
  • Follow up questions you should ask to ensure your relationship with your VA goes smoothly
  • The next step of the interview process that will help you find the VA candidate you’re leaning towards
  • The tools to download to make your relationship with your VA 10x easier


(Valued at $97)
  • The key things to uncover about your VA and what to negotiate on
  • How to test all your VA candidates the right way
  • The best test tasks for specific VA roles
  • The things you should be wary of when offering test tasks to Filipino VA candidates
(Valued at $97)


(Valued at $97)
  • What to discuss with your first VA (Salary, work terms, working hours, output agreement)
  • The #1 problem you’ll run into with your VAs (and how to avoid it)
  • What the first task should be
  • What’s WRONG with the traditional approach to hiring a VA (And how to do it the right way)


“Do I really have to pay $679 to free up my time?”

NO, of course not.

With this special offer, the power to create more time for yourself is totally affordable.

But if you’re going to ask the thousands of entrepreneurs I coached and the members of my Inner Coaching Circle, they’ll gladly pay this much or even more!

That’s because they discovered that creating more time is the key to happiness and fulfillment. They know the value of One VA Away...

I just showed you the true value of taking the One VA Away Challenge…
But if you take the challenge today, you only pay:



Yes, I’m slashing it down to 1/13 of the original value of the One VA Away Challenge because I want to help as many entrepreneurs as possible discover the joy and freedom of having a rockstar Filipino VA helping them achieve their ideal life.
I was once in your shoes. That’s why I want to keep the price as low as possible--so you can prove my claims for yourself and prove that a stress-free life of entrepreneurship is indeed possible!

Pay once and forever have access

What Are You Waiting For?

If you’re reading this, this is probably not the first time you’ve considered hiring a Filipino VA. You’ve heard the success stories from fellow entrepreneurs, you see the potential of VAs in your business, and you’re ready to create more freedom in your life. So what’s holding you back?
  • Maybe you don’t know where to start.
  • Maybe you don’t know where to find great VAs for hire.
  • Maybe you’ve tried outsourcing before and it didn’t work out (because you didn’t have the right tools).
  • Maybe you’re paralized because you don’t know what to do next, or you’re wary of trying new things, or you’re worried you’ll fail and waste your time.
  • Maybe you’re worried about hiring the wrong person.
This One VA Away Challenge will eliminate your fears and hesitations. It is the most simple, affordable and successful way to recruit your next Filipino VA. I’m telling you: It. Just. Works.

The videos below might help you answer your questions.

How Do I Know If I Can Trust Someone Overseas?

Can I actually find good, talented people in the Philippines?

Are you too busy to find a VA?

My 4 Best Tips for Finding a Great VA

I've been using VAs since 2014 and 
One VA Away fixed my process...

Ruben runs both a successful podcast and a successful agency doing $20,000+/month. 

His clients notice the quality of the work and ask him about it. They don't realize it's his VAs doing the work.

But...Ruben had a problem finding VAs. His job posts just weren't working out super well. The One VA Away Challenge fixed it...

30-Day Moneyback Guarantee

We don’t like wishy-washy, conditional or complicated guarantees, so we’ll keep this simple:
On the rare chance that you’re not satisfied with our One VA Away Challenge, just contact us and you’ll get your money back, hassle-free.

We’d be shocked if this is the case...but if you’re not happy, drop us a line. You’ll get your money back and we can still be friends.

How Do You Know if You’re Up for the Challenge?

Hiring a VA to create freedom is not for every business owner. If you want this challenge to work for you, you’ve got to be dedicated.

Take a minute to ask yourself the following… (Check all the boxes that apply to you)
  • Do you have big plans for your business, but you don’t know where to start?
  • Do you get frustrated by the time constraints and menial tasks that make you a slave to your business?
  • Are you curious to know how outsourcing could help expand your business?
  • Are you ready to hire virtual help, but not sure where to find great workers?
  • Do you need help in your business, but can’t afford local wages?
  • Are you less than confident in your recruiting skills?
  • Do you wish you had more time to do the things that you love?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above, you are ready for the 7-Steps One VA Away Challenge.
Pay once and forever have access

The 7-Steps Challenge

For Entrepreneurs is...

  • Battle-Tested - The information you’ll gain has been tested, proven, and refined for over 15 years and by thousands of entrepreneurs before you. 
  • Step by Step - No overwhelm guaranteed. The whole challenge is broken down into 7 digestible chunks that will help you quickly process my key hiring concepts. You’ll have the confidence to pull the outsourcing trigger, make your first Filipino VA hire and help you get your life back.
  • Easy to Implement - Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced entrepreneur, you’ll find that the daily content you’ll receive for 7 steps are things you can do right away, no special tools or skills required. 
  • Exclusive - You’re about to discover the secret of my inner coaching circle’s outsourcing success -- outsourcing techniques and secrets that, in the past, I’ve reserved for my most elite clients.
  • Better Hire Rate - My recruiting methods have been proven to work over and over again.
Pay once and forever have access

Become my next success story. Take the One VA Away Challenge today!

“The tools I learned in the One VA Away Challenge really helped me to understand the right questions to be asking and how to ask them.” — Vincent Aguirre, DESIGN AND MARKETING OFS
“ changed my life years ago. When I started my agency, I was working my 60-80 hour work weeks. I watched a webinar pointing me to and I successfully hired my first Virtual Assistant (VA). His name was Mario and he saved me 10-15 hours of work PER WEEK. And the cost? Only $340 per month. That brought to light many new possibilities with my company and we have used OnlineJobs to recruit many positions that are still working for us today 5+ years later. ” — Paul Staten, CEO/CO-OWNER
“I hired an amazing virtual assistant/ web designer and she works for me about 25 hrs per week. Fantastic and professional employees with English better than people I've hired in Canada.” — Adina Zaiontz
“Because of you, I have a team of workers in the Philippines all because of this website. You’ve made my business better and I can’t thank you enough!". — Tara Vining
“And what I love is they're always willing to learn... they're always saying, "I want to learn, I want to grow, I want to help you help you build your business, and I'm willing to take time to learn new things" . Inside the website there's tons of training, they talk to you about how to post your job, what to expect, how to communicate, they really go into detail about all the things that the site offers.” — Kirsten Graham & Jeanne Wilson, Six Figure Business Coaching
“I currently have 3 AMAZING VAs. Cannot recommend them highly enough. Just like any job, there are good and some that are not so good candidates. It's a process but once you find the right one, your working life will never be the same.” — Brigitte Benge

“Thanks to your One Va Away course I was able to hire 2 amazing employees on, so, thanks!.” — Nicolas Jeanne
I’ve grown my team to 3 Full time OFS and it’s changed my business completely. The work ethic and reliability with little to no office politics mean we focus on delivering the best outcomes to our clients. It took a lot of time and effort to train / mentor my team, and worthy every minute of it. — Gia Le
“I wanted to say thank you for an awesome website that connects me with great independent contractors, and also for providing such excellent information. I would never have known about traditions like the 13th month, or that the culture of the Fiipino community is one of extreme shyness, or that they will address me as Ma'am and to just leave it alone, or how to properly communicate. Thanks for the tips about the W8ben form and everything else on the site that lets me know about how to properly take care of anyone I hire. It is obvious you care about taking care of your workers.” — Lisa Clifford
“I posted two jobs for hiring 3 VA’s and got 285 applications in the last 24 hours.” — Dennis Yu
“I was able to hire two VAs who are currently with me. They really did revolutionize the game and made managing my business easier.” — Travis Marziani
“We have found that many of the Filipino workers we hired are smart dedicated people. I used your onevaaway course to learn as much as possible about hiring and retaining these workers and I must say, it helped us tremendously. I really don't think we would have been this successful at hiring the right people without your insights. Your course saved us from making a ton of mistakes and getting off on the right foot immediately. I mean, we hired 5 people in 6 months, no way we could have done that locally nor could we have done that without taking your course and using all your tools. Thank you.” — Noah Wieder, CEO, SearchBug, Inc.
“I recently took your One VA Away course, and I used to hire. It's going really well so far! I'm up to five VA's who are crushing their work and seem really happy in their roles. I think that can largely be attributed to 1.) generally following your instructions/advice surrounding the hiring process, and 2.) trying to go out of my way to make this a good and valuable experience for my employees (which is one of the many things you preached that I took to heart).” — Grant McCarty, Founder, PrepHQ
“The book and training has all been unbelievably helpful. There is no doubt the sum of it will help me turn my second job into an actual business sooner than later. Thank you for putting all this together John.” — Clayton Marks Jr.
"Hi John, I wanted to let you know that I just hired my first VA from your site (which someone in my mastermind told me about) using the method you outlined in your "One-VA Away" challenge. I appreciate the class so much -- it put me in the right headspace to do a lot of clever things to both sell my job and start a positive relationship with a future employee from the get-go. I'm so excited about Ana (perfect score on her online IQ test, amazing English, Magna cum Laude at her law school). She starts in 2 weeks, and I find I wake up with new tasks to add to the list of things to train her on. I can't wait!"  — Sara Brumfield, Partner, Brumfield Labs
"Your "One VA Away" Challenge was excellent and help me to make the decision to hire a VA from the Philippines. Thank you!" — Tia, Co-Founder & CEO of Goodbye Workplace
"Hi John, You don't know me, but I wanted to thank you so much for your One VA Away training, the application and for your ongoing messages. I am a small-right-now Amazon seller working to scale my business, and in the middle of the 2021 began looking in earnest for my first VA from the Philippines. By following your One VA Away training, using the application and reading your messages, my small company has an AMAZING virtual assistant working with us. 

Your ongoing messages about culture, holidays and current events (typhoon Odette) have helped to grow our relationship in a meaningful and personal way. Your help through all these channels has been absolutely invaluable. Please never stop. You are appreciated, and you have built something that is beautiful!" 
— Kimberly Matthews
"Your site and videos have changed my working life, I think it's a trend more and more people will follow." 
— Christopher Schutrups
"I couldn't have done it without the OneVAAway videos I bought from you and seeing you pass the barriers that have held me back. I have confidence now I can do it too."
— Jason A. Miller
"Just hired an amazing assistant through OnlineJobs. Today is her second day. Your course was very helpful. I did not even finish all of the steps - just the first 4 days gave me some very helpful tips that I used when hiring." 
— Holly Haggerty, Chief Relationship Officer, Haggerty & Haggerty Digital Services
"I just watched your videos for recruiting a VA. We have a company in the UK and just hired our first worker from Philippines. I just wanted to say that I found your videos helpful, interesting and pleasant to watch. I have no doubt that the information you provided will make a big difference for us. So thanks a lot for this, I appreciate the alternative to Upwork and all the creativity you have put into this."
— Danny
"Just a brief message to say that your manual on how to hire a OFS(one va away) is worth its weight in gold, and I have found an AMAZING OFS on my first try and couldn't be happier. In fact i will soon be coming for seconds and third... and so on. I finally can say that I KNOW how to scale up my business.

Anyone who asks me about a VA, I send to your website. Simply brilliant!

So thank you and keep up the good/exceptional work!" 
— Luca, Head Of International Business Development
"Great! I'm hiring one more as well! Please pass it on that the onevaaway was incredible value and after following his advice I was able to wade through a lot of bad apples to get to two amazing people"
— Chad Cunningham
"I can’t begin to tell you how helpful your one VA way challenge has been as well as these emails.

They have enabled me to become more knowledgeable about the Filipinos culture, holidays and enabled me to be proactive in my business."
— Stephanie Hines, Business & Marketing Coach
"I have recently hired my first VA using your oneVAaway challenge and so far it's going great. I plan on expanding soon and hiring an additional VA and really liked your idea of putting a QA person in charge."
— Tatiana
"This is why you listen to the voice of experience (which would be you).

I got your basic course. I'd say I followed the plan to recruit a VA about 75%

Then one thing I did make sure of was to 'Let it play out!'

During the process, I kept thinking I needed to jump ahead, but I kept hearing you say l
"Let it play out"

So I let the process run and it was like watching a horse race. First one was better, then another took the lead, then a third, and so on. Then, right near the end, the one I thought was a shoo in... disappeared.

Finally, my perfect VA jumped from the back of the pack to the front at the last minute and ran away with it.

As a plus, the second and third place finishers are already in my database when I'm ready to hire again so I may not have to recruit if they're available.

The 'Background Check' feature on the website is extremely valuable. I weeded out some suspicious profiles very quickly. I would have had no idea without it.

Great course. Great platform. Full value. Thank you."
— Livtar S Khalsa, SGN Research LLC
"My OFS is doing a great job. She's only been with me six weeks, but she already shows a level of commitment and dedication that impresses me everyday. 

I love that I feel like my business has an even stronger reason for being now. I have a family in the Philippines it is supporting. I love that feeling of purpose. 

I appreciate your help so much. Without your services I would never have found her in a million years."
— Lisa Van Gemert
"First of all, I love what you’re doing. Me and a few of my buddies have all bought your course. Love your book and podcast. It’s definitely made a big impact in my life and business having a full time editor in the Philippines. My wife loves the time it’s given me back!!!"
— Austin Falter, Founder & Creative Director of Falter Media Company
"We just made our first hire from your website for a social media manager. I followed your hiring template and we think we have a really great person for the job. Thanks for the advice. I don't think we would have gotten such a great person if we weren't patient and took the time to follow your steps."
— Bob Harpole, Client Experience Manager
"Thank you so much. Since going through your 1VA Away Challenge, we've been able to hire an amazing team of bookkeepers from the Philippines and since then have grown our revenue by more than 300% (in less than a year).
Much heartfelt thanks,"
— Benjamin Mira, Owner - Speakeasy Bookkeeping
" I watched your challenge on Sunday. It was very helpful and I have started two new virtual assistants today."
— Sarah Diener, Part Owner and Chief Operating Officer
"This is great! 

Just wanted to let you know that I’ve been following your system. I interviewed about 30 candidates and found a gem. I started her “full-time” at $350/mo. For the first 3 months to train. I met with her every day for about 15/20min to follow up on her work. After 3 months, increased her salary to $550/mo. She’s working about 30 hrs per week and gets everything I need from her done. We only meet once or twice/week now. She’s so good and reliable. She’s happy, loves what she’s doing and we are both super happy. 

Thank you for your awesome system,"
— Heather Blaise
"It was a really smooth process. Also, your video program "One VA Away" is EXCELLENT and completely sold me on trying Premium."
— Doug
Thanks to your One VA away challenge, I was able to hire a rockstar OFS last year who’s been doing great."
— Tatiana Arolli, Manager of Elm Enterprise LLC
"Hi John,

I totally agree with Shelly’s approach, and I can honestly say it is all because I did your course.

Before that I didn’t understand the culture and had difficulties with staff hired via an agency.

Now I do my own hiring through your website and have great experiences.

I mainly hire untrained and less experienced staff so I can train them myself (using your course/training).

It’s a win-win situation for small businesses who do not have large staff budgets.

Thank you"
Ela Gold
I'm so grateful to you for all your emails and advice and the One VA Away challenge. I hired my first VA about 3 weeks ago and she is doing so well! 

I would love to give her something at some point soon just to encourage her and thank her because she's been really taking the initiative and learning SO much.
 — Christine Hambidge, Owner - Sanaplace LLC

Wowza - your OneVAaway Challenge training was EXCELLENT, John. I'm so inspired and can't wait to hire my own rockstar OFS! Thanks so much for creating this - both for us as small businesses and for OFS that want to work. Win win! If there's ever anything I can do for you, please just reach out. I love to help anytime I can. Joyfully, Christie ps loved the pic you shared of your family - beautiful!


I hired my first OFS! And she starts on Monday.  

I am sooooo thankful to you for the One VA Away challenge. I followed your steps all the way through. From beginning to hired was less than 10 days!  

I got to know some great people! But even more importantly, because of your methodology of asking questions back and forth, I already feel like I know my OFS to an extent and have built some rapport with her. I also have a gauge of her capabilities (thanks to the task!) better than I would have with in person interviews!


That was so helpful, John. Thank you! 

It took me about 10 days start to finish from day 1 of OneVAAway to hiring my fabulous OFS. She’s worked with me a month now and I couldn’t be happier! Your process works! (I did this through

Thank you so much for helping me grow my business with my first OFS. Love that you’re working 17 hours a week and have a thriving business. Goals!!


My sweet OFS has water up to her knees INSIDE her home!!! And yet still has a positive outlook. Its amazing. She said these things just happen. 

She sent a WhatsApp this morning that it’s finally just drizzling so she’s trying to take advantage and get things cleaned up. And offered to work Sunday to make up time - which of course I said nooooooo! Life matters way more than work. 

So very thankful for Sheela in my business and my life. I appreciate your making that possible with onevaaway challenge, John!

— Christie Varner, Fractional CFO & CPA - Victory Advisory Services LLC

Kelly Clark
 We have had GREAT success using your One VA away program, and subsequently hiring an absolutely incredible OFS. 😊 We are thrilled!

Thanks in advance for your guidance, and thank you so much for helping us find an incredible OFS. We are starting to reap the benefits of less busy work and hopefully move to a healthy work-life balance very soon!
 — Kelly Clark, Founder | Director of Operations - Local Flavors Films & Photography

Kelly Clark
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One VA Away © 2019 - 2023. All Rights Reserved.